Pullin Archery Bows
Announcing the Bow of the Future. The awesome full draw bow comes in deep woods camouflage pattern. Many draw weights and lengths can be chosen. The awesome full draw bow is completely compatible with the Pullin Archery full draw conversion kit. With just one bow you have the option of having a choice of using a standard hunting bow or converting it into a crossbow.Our bow has the smoothest cam on the market today. Bow is set-up to be easy on the shooters shoulders, arms and hands. This bow is perfect for the physically challenged bow hunter. This bow can easily be converted into a crossbow in a matter of seconds. Dealers Welcome!
Connector I - Double Cam
Price: $749.00

Draw length: 24" to 30"
Draw weight: 40lb to 70lb
Bus 34 cable, 34 3/4 by Pro string
Brace height: 6-3/4"
Bow weight: 2-5/8lbs to 2-7/8lbs
Connector - Single Cam
Price: $749.00

Draw length: 24" to 30"
Draw weight: 40lb to 70lb
Bus 34" string 24" by Pro string
Brace height: 7" to 8"
Bow speeds: 345 feet per second (depends on draw
weight and cams)
Bow weight: 2-5/8 lbs