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Pullin Archery Products

Inventor of the Full Draw Compound Bow and Tensioning System

Outdoor Magazine

Elk - photo by David Pullin

Links of interest to outdoorsmen, bow hunters, archery enthusiasts, supporters, and organizations for the physically challenged bow hunter.


Horizontal Bowhunter Magazine

Deer - photo by David Pullin's son

North American Bowhunter, Inc. in collaboration with the American Crossbow Federation is launching a new quarterly publication entitled Horizontal Bowhunter. The premiere issue will be sent to subscribers in September 2001 and will provide the rapidly growing number of crossbow hunters a much-needed forum for them and their sport.

For more information about the Horizontal Bowhunter magazine or to receive an American Crossbow Federation membership application, contact:

North American Bowhunter, Inc.
Attn: Daniel Hendricks
P. O. Box 251
20 N. E. 9TH Avenue
Glenwood, Minnesota 56334
E-mail: Daniel Hendricks

A special offer for new subscribers! Pullin Archery Products will give a $15.00 discount with the purchase of our full Conversion Kits or a $6.00 discount with the purchase of our Advantage-Plus Releases, with proof of purchase to either of these publications. E-mail us for more details!